In the event that you need to return an item for a refund or exchange, please contact us by email stating the reasons for a return so we can authorise this for you.
Any returns for whatever reason must be posted back within 10 days of receipt.
Items must be returned in sealable condition, including tags and packaging. reserves the right to refuse a refund or exchange if the goods returned are deemed to have been damaged, worn or tampered with. This does not affect your statutory rights.
Items must be returned in sealable condition, including tags and packaging. reserves the right to refuse a refund or exchange if the goods returned are deemed to have been damaged, worn or tampered with. This does not affect your statutory rights.
If you are returning an item because of an error on our behalf or because it is faulty, we will be happy to give you a full refund of the amount you paid and the shipping costs incurred when sending it back. Otherwise, you will be responsible for the return charges. If you have received free postage, a pro-rata postage charge will be deducted from the refund amount.
Your refund will be credited to the original purchaser's credit card account. This can take up to 10 days to process.
For your own protection, we suggest you use the same delivery method as we do - Royal Mail recorded delivery - for your returns.
We are not held responsible for returns that go missing in the post. Please do not use a courier service.
Thank you.
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